
Hernia Awareness with Dr. Joey Bluhm

Jun 28, 2021
June is National Hernia Awareness Month, check out our new video with our very own Dr. Bluhm sharing his medical insight on hernias.

*** Each year, hernias affect millions of Americans, but only a portion of those suffering seek any kind of medical treatment. National Hernia Awareness Month is observed each June in order to raise public awareness about hernias and effective hernia treatment.

What is a Hernia?

A hernia occurs when there is a weakness in the wall of the area it occurs. There are a number of places and types of hernias that can occur within the body.

Abdominal Hernia – Also referred to as a ventral hernia, abdominal hernias are generally protrusion that occurs above the belt. This happens due to a weakness in the abdominal wall.

Hiatal Hernia – This type of hernia is closely connected & can coincide with a Paraesophageal Hernia, with the main symptom being gastric reflux or GERD. A hiatal hernia can commonly reoccur after surgery to repair it.

Umbilical Hernia – Occurs around or on your belly button. If your belly button typically is pushed in, leaving an indent, and suddenly it appears to have something bulging out then you most likely have an umbilical hernia.

Incisional Hernia – Occurs at the incision line of previous surgery, due to the cutting of the skin, tissue, & muscles in that particular area creating a weakened site.

Femoral Hernia – Occurs at the top of the leg or groin area. These types of hernias are more common in women and tend to be recurrent after a hernia has been repaired.

Inguinal Hernia –Occurs below the belt and on either side or both sides of the groin and/or the scrotum area. This particular hernia is more common in men and can also be recurrent, even after surgery.